We take great pride in the services we provide our customers to ensure their ultimate success, from initial implementation to day-to-day use, and beyond. We are thrilled to share our passion for efficient and effective curriculum management and delivery through a sincere and collaborative partnership. Learn more about the services we offer, and partner with us today!
Our team of Customer Success Leads will help you strategically develop an implementation plan that supports your program’s individual goals and timeline for launching your new virtual learning environment. We will work closely with you and consider an appropriate change management strategy and an implementation plan that will be successful, given the size of your team and your preferred approach to rolling out the platform. We will take into account the unique aspects of your curriculum and help you to populate VidaNovaVLE™ in a way that maximizes the features it offers and meets your needs. Our support for your use of VidaNovaVLE™ does not end with a successful launch. You will benefit from our ongoing support (regular check-in meetings, direct and efficient communication with your Customer Success Lead, consistent communication and collaboration around platform enhancements and brand-new features, and more).
Training & Guidance
Our Customer Success Leads will provide remote or on-site training to your administrators and faculty. Our goal is to provide your program with one or more super administrators who can become experts in VidaNovaVLE™ and share their knowledge with their colleagues, faculty, and learners in time; of course, we will always be here to support you in any way we can. VidaNovaVLE™ is filled with in-line guidance for just-in-time learning as you familiarize yourself with our curricular delivery modules. You’ll also have access to comprehensive documentation of every aspect of the system, complete with Pro Tips and use cases.
What others might refer to as Account Managers, we refer to as Customer Success Leads, ensuring that their role in supporting you is clear. They will lead the way and ensure that your institution is as successful as possible in transitioning to a new and innovative virtual learning environment. They are dedicated to your success by:
- Working with you to build your customized strategic implementation plan
- Advising on the implementation of your curricular framework,
- Providing training for your super administrators, staff, and faculty,
- Ensuring the success of your staff, faculty, and learners’ day-to-day use of the platform
- Supporting your preparation for accreditation
- Providing ongoing support through regular check-ins
- And more!
Curricular Consulting
We know what it takes because we have been there. As a team who has worked in various roles in a medical school and in support of diverse health sciences programs, from curricular coordination to education technology trainers, developers, and innovators, we’ve been either in your shoes or have worked closely with others who have. We understand the demands of health sciences and other professional programs in the delivery, mapping, tracking, and reporting requirements of this kind of curriculum. With a combined 60+ years of embedded experience in health sciences education, we’re here to help – to critically and carefully consider your curricular needs and work with you to meet your goals as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Message from the Chief Customer Success Officer
Here at Fenix Alma Solutions Inc., the success and happiness of our customers is our passion – and our number one priority. A successful customer experience is not only based on complete satisfaction with our product and service; it’s more than that. We meet our customers where they are and help them excel at their work. We support them in a way that removes the vendor-to-customer barrier by building trusting partnerships and providing true collaboration. We are passionate about what we do, driven to help you succeed, and we cannot wait to meet you!

Candace Miller
Chief Customer Success Officer
Fenix Alma Solutions Inc.