Enhanced practicum learning
View all of your scheduled practicum experiences at a glance.
Secure online exams
VidaNovaVLE™ is revolutionizing the way institutions deliver, track, and assess health sciences and professional education through its comprehensive and secure online exam capabilities.
Taxonomy management
Through our transformative Taxonomy Management module, VidaNovaVLE™ supports creating, mapping, and reforming multiple complex curricular structures.
Hierarchical mapping
Learner performance
Curriculum tagging
Tag your curriculum to track where, when, and how it’s taught and assessed.

Tag taxonomies to:
More about tagging
- Courses
- Sessions
- Activities/Resources
- Question bank items
- Assessment items NEW
- Evaluation items NEW
- Practicum experiences NEW
Learning Management System
VidaNovaVLE™ is a revolutionary Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that leverages the world’s most feature-rich open-source Learning Management System (LMS) at its core.