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Tailor VidaNovaVLE™ to your institution’s unique needs

At Fenix Alma Solutions Inc., we understand that no two educational institutions are the same. That’s why VidaNovaVLE™ is designed to be highly configurable, ensuring that every aspect of the platform can be tailored to fit the specific operational and educational needs of your institution. Our comprehensive Site Admin module enables administrators to customize nearly every facet of the learning environment, from basic settings to complex course structures.

Versatile configuration options

General settings

Adapt the platform to match your institution’s linguistic needs with customizable language settings, including the addition of language packs and language-specific modifications.

Messaging and notifications

Fine-tune how your community receives and interacts with notifications and messages, ensuring effective communication across all levels of your institution.

Payment Integration

Seamlessly configure payment gateways for courses offering continuing professional development, facilitating easy transactions directly within VidaNovaVLE™.

Advanced course management

Course categories

Organize your courses into a logical structure that mirrors your institution’s hierarchy, such as School of Medicine->UME->Year 1, etc., enhancing navigability and course discovery.

Bulk course uploads

Efficiently manage course uploads in bulk, saving time and ensuring consistency across educational offerings.

Activity chooser configuration

Customize the order for how course and session activities are presented to users, with options to show them in the order of  “Starred, All, Recommended” vs “Starred, Recommended, All, Activities, Resources, etc.”.

Granular grade settings

Flexible grade representation

Configure how grades are displayed (real grades, percentages, letters), including the specificity of decimal places and the fields included in grade exports.

Role-based grade assignments

Define which user roles are eligible for grade assignments, tailoring the grading process to fit your academic and administrative frameworks.

Plugin management and customization

Extensive plugin support

Enhance functionality with a wide array of plugins, each configurable to meet specific needs, from academic plugins that enhance course delivery to administrative plugins that streamline operations.

Activity and block customization

Decide which course activities and user blocks are available, enabling features like the “Online users” block for real-time user interaction or restricting certain activities to maintain focus and compliance.

Branding and aesthetic alignment

Custom branding

Implement your institution’s branding guide across VidaNovaVLE™, including logos, colors, and fonts, ensuring a consistent and immersive user experience that reflects your institution’s identity.

Why choose VidaNovaVLE™?

VidaNovaVLE™ stands out as the most configurable solution in the health sciences and professional education space, offering unmatched flexibility to meet the dynamic needs of modern educational institutions. Whether it’s refining user experience, enhancing course delivery, or aligning with specific accreditation requirements, VidaNovaVLE™ adapts to support your goals.

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A fit-for-purpose Competency-Based Virtual Learning Environment built and supported by experts

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