Advanced exam result analysis and statistics

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VidaNovaVLE™ goes beyond simple score reporting to provide a comprehensive analysis of exam results, helping educators understand performance dynamics and make informed decisions about curriculum adjustments. Our platform offers detailed statistics for each exam attempt, ensuring that educators have the insights needed to assess and enhance the learning process.

Detailed statistical metrics

Analyze exams with metrics such as Average Grade, Median Grade, Standard Deviation, Score Distribution Skewness, Score Distribution Kurtosis, Coefficient of Internal Consistency, Error Ratio, Standard Error, and Quartile Ranges for the highest graded attempts. These statistics help educators see not just how learners performed but how exam results vary across cohorts, offering deeper insights into exam effectiveness and fairness.

Score distribution analysis

Evaluate the spread and consistency of learner scores to identify patterns and anomalies that could indicate issues with exam content or alignment with teaching objectives. Understanding skewness and kurtosis helps determine whether the exam results are normally distributed or if there are biases that could affect the reliability of the grades.

Reliability indices

Calculate the Coefficient of Internal Consistency to assess the reliability of exam items in measuring what they are supposed to measure. This index is crucial for determining the consistency of an exam across different iterations.

Error measurement

Quantify the standard error and error ratio to understand the margin of error in exam scoring, providing a buffer for interpreting learner scores, especially in high-stakes assessments.

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